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In the months of March and April 2021, Nave Sonora will help new artists to establish themselves in the market, in an event in which different music professionals form a commission of mentors to accompany the realization of the project, so that these new names leave the event, which will be held entirely online, with ready material, including audiovisual, to present to the public. The event also marks the launch of the Xis Network, which will serve as the base of the event while continuing as a content repository and virtual meeting point for new artists and mentors.


Over the course of five weeks, six artists pre-nominated by the mentor committee will develop a showcase film that will be shown as their respective final projects. During the period of just over a month, the curatorial commission will hold specific workshops in their areas of experience, using the selected attractions as a case study, while monitoring the development of this show and all the pre-production features there. involved.

Nave Sonora will be open to the public between April 13th and 16th, when the selected artists will show the audiovisual content they designed during the previous weeks, always presented by their mentors in the format of 6 workshops open to the public and 6 films of these new and promising ones names of national authorial music.


The activities and presentations will have translation in pounds and audio description, in order to enhance the inclusion, accessibility and plurality of audiences within the Nave Sonora. Subsequently, the material captured will also receive subtitled translations into English and Spanish, expanding the business possibilities between artists and potential buyers - Festivals, Stamps, Concert Halls, Curators, Sync & Licensing, national and international.

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